
Space Colonization Part-II

          So here I'm again with the second part of space colonization. In the previous part we discussed what actually space colonization is, what are the reasons and how can it be accomplished. In case you missed it, checkout the first part  Space Colonization Part-I . As I said in the earlier part about suitable locations let's start with some locations that are suitable for building colonies on different planets and moons that can support life after Earth. THE MOON           Earth's moon is always in discussions whether it will be a good decision to colonize moon or not. The major problems are low quantity of materials available on the moon. Materials essential for life are hydrogen, nitrogen and carbon. It is said that water-ice in some polar regions can help to extract these elements. Another solution is directly pointed towards asteroid mining. Asteroids can be helpful in extracting any material or element we need, aste...

Space Colonization Part-I

WHAT IS SPACE COLONIZATION?           Space Colonization is the idea of colonizing space for permanent human habitation. It is seen as a possibility by building colonies in space on planets which have water and oxygen in abundance as they are key resources for life existence. There are many reasons why it is needed to escape earth and colonize space and also why it is a bad idea, I'll be discussing all of them in detail.           Earth which is supporting life since billions of years is now on the verge of destruction. Earth is a well-placed planet among all the planets in the solar system and has vast resources for supporting life. But slowly these resources might end up and it will be difficult for humans to live on Earth. It is essential for humans to search for alternative planets and moons that can support life if humans want their race to last a bit longer than expected. Famous Physicist Stephen Hawking said that Humans have...


WHAT IS A SUPERCONDUCTOR?           A Superconductor is a material that conducts electricity with zero resistance. This means that a superconductor can carry electric current indefinitely without losing energy, this property of materials of conducting electricity with no resistivity is called Superconductivity. Superconductors have other important properties like the Meissner Effect. According to this, at a very low temperature, a superconductor loses its magnetic field, that means no magnetic field exist in a superconductor. The temperature at which a normal material shows superconductivity is called as Critical Temperature. This usually happens at very low temperatures as the resistance of a material decreases with a decrease in temperature. Superconductors are applicable in MRI machines, spectrometers, digital circuits and many other hi-tech devices. Superconductors are still not suitable for daily usage machines and has no public use. However they're ...

The Big Bang

          We see around many different objects in our daily life. Everything we see and observe is a part of this universe. Have you ever wondered how this universe came into existence? Well, there are many different theories and predictions which were made in the earliest years and still going on in present. The one accepted widely by most of the scientists is "The Big Bang Theory". The big bang theory is the cosmological model of the universe which describes how the universe came into existence and expanded. It is also considered as the event by which the universe came into existence, or the birth of universe. Calculations and measurements of the expansion rate of universe, places the big bang at around 13.8 billion years ago which is also considered as the age of the universe. The big bang states that the universe began with an infinitely dense point at an infinite temperature. This point is called as "Singularity" which was a few millimeters wide. At...


INTRODUCTION           Laser is a source of light that is known to emit light through a process of optical amplification. Laser is an acronym for "Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation". Laser emits light waves whose frequencies and wavelengths are equal, this property is called as Coherence. Light emitted by Sun and other light sources is incoherent where as light emitted by a Laser is highly Coherent which makes them very special. The Coherent nature of laser allows it to emit light beams narrow over great distances, it allows to emit light of any single color which makes them very applicable for measuring devices and pointers such as Laser pointers. Lasers have many applications, some of them are Laser Surgery, Skin treatments, Cancer treatment,  Holograms , Laser printers, barcode scanners, DNA sequencers, Fiber optic and optical communications, cutting and welding materials, measuring devices and for display lights. HISTORY ...


WHAT IS TELEPORTATION?           Tele-Transportation or commonly known as "Teleportation" is the transfer of matter or energy to any particular point without travelling the distance between them. The term teleportation was coined by an American writer Charles Fort in the year 1931. From there the teleportation has become a hot topic among Scientists. It is the technology that has the ability to transport an object from one point to another instantly within the blink of an eye. It has become common in Sci-Fi literature, movies, video games, and also cartoons. It has also been said that teleportation can also be used to travel in time.  HOW IS IT POSSIBLE?           You might be wondering that how is it possible to transport to any point within a few seconds. Well the answer to this is still limited to only the Quantum Scale ( Distances less than 100 nanometers at a very low temperature ). Some scientists say that it is no...


INTRODUCTION           Semiconductor is a material whose conductivity lies between a conductor (Generally metals) and an insulator (Glass, wood etc..). Semiconductors can be pure elements like silicon or germanium or other elements with impurities whose no. of electrons remains same as that of silicon, germanium etc.. The behaviour is opposite to that of a metal i.e their resistance decreases as the temperature increases. Their conducting properties can be altered to give best results by introduction of impurities into the structure, this process is called doping. Semiconductors can have a range of useful properties like Showing variable resistance, Sensitivity to light or heat which makes them useful for making sensors, amplification, energy conversion etc.. They are widely used in making Transistors, laser diodes, integrated circuits, computer chips, solar cells etc.. The developments in semiconductor technology during the past 50 years have made electron...