

INTRODUCTION           Sensors are devices which are used to detect and respond to certain physical actions. They are able to respond to physical parameters like Temperature, Humidity, Touch, Radiation, Speed etc... They convert these parameters to electrical signals which can be measured through devices. It is not an independent device and is always used with other devices. Just like Humans they can sense their environment and respond quickly. They are better than humans when it comes to sensitivity and responding. Some Sensors also affect what they measures like, a thermometer at room temperature when measuring a hot substance, cools it down and gets hotter. Although they are designed to have a small or no effect on the parameters which they measure. Latest Technology Sensors are manufactured at the microscopic scales and are much sensitive than macroscopic sensor. These are called Microsensors which are manufactured using MEMS ( Micro Electromechanical Systems) Technology. Th


WHAT ARE WORMHOLES?           Wormholes generally are passages through Space-Time which are known to create shortcuts for long distances in the universe. They can be visualized as a tunnel with two different points in the space and time. They are predicted by the Theory of General Relativity by Einstein and Nathan Rosen and thus are also called as Einstein-Rosen Bridge. Wormholes are known to link two different points in space and act as a bridge or a tunnel which takes less time to reach farther points but they also bring with them dangers like Extreme Gravitational forces, Sudden Collapse, High Radiation and Dangerous contact with Exotic matter. Wormholes can form and collapse anytime as we don't know much about them. From the Theory of General Relativity it is quite certain that wormholes do exist but there is no sign of observing a wormhole yet. It is quite easy to imagine a wormhole, take a sheet of paper and mark two points on it. Now assume that the sheet is the space-t

Artificial Intelligence

WHAT IS ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI)?           Artificial Intelligence is the ability of a digital computer system to perform tasks which require intelligence as compared to Natural Intelligence displayed by Humans. It is also defined as the study and making of "Intelligent Agents". Artificial Intelligence makes it possible for machines to learn from experience, adjust to new inputs and perform Human tasks. Most AI examples today are Self Driving Cars, Chess playing computers which rely heavily on deep learning and natural processing. Computers can be trained to accomplish specific tasks by processing large amounts of data and recognizing patterns in the data. Officially the term Artificial Intelligence was coined in 1956 but it became possible with the advancement of technology and has become much popular today. Compared to humans AI lacks many features like common sense, reasoning, perspective and most commonly Creativity like humans have. IMPORTANCE OF AI    

Dark Matter and Dark Energy

WHAT IS DARK MATTER?           Dark matter is a hypothetical form of matter in existence which accounts 85% of the total mass of the universe. This form of matter is different from what we generally observe around us as it does not appear to interact with normal matter and radiations such as light which makes it invisible to the naked eye and thus making it extremely difficult to detect using usual astronomical equipment. It is thought to be composed of some undiscovered atomic or sub-atomic particles. It is also said that even Black holes are made up of Dark Matter as they too are invisible. Evidences for dark matter include observations of light bending around the gravity of unseen matter and also calculations that show many galaxies would fly apart instead of rotating in the universe due to very low mass as the observable matter in just 15% so its pretty sure that they contain large quantities of unseen matter. Till now there are no signs of observation of dark matter as it barely


WHAT IS A HOLOGRAM?           A Hologram is a 3 dimensional representation of an object which can be seen without the use of intermediate optics such as goggles, glasses etc..The term "Hologram" can refer to both the encoding of the light field as an interference pattern and also the resulting image. The technique by which holograms are made is called Holography. Holography is a technique by which a light field is recorded and projected through a laser. It is based on the principle of interference and is generally made by creating an interference pattern with the use of light waves. A holographic image is visually indistinguishable from the actual object. A Hologram can produce details of the recorded object at the microscopic level. HISTORY           In the late 1940s, physicist  Dennis Gabor  working in the field of X-ray microscopy with other scientists discovered Holography. The discovery was an unexpected result of research into improving electron microscopes at the

Black Holes

WHAT IS A BLACK HOLE?                   A Black Hole is a region in space where the gravitational effects are extremely strong. They are so strong that even light and electromagnetic radiations cannot escape from it. It is said that a Black Hole is formed at the end of a Star's Life. When a Star is dying all its matter is compressed and forms a small body whose mass is very high. Black Holes of the size of an atom can have a mass more than a mountain. The boundary of the Black Hole from where no object can escape, not even light is called as the Event Horizon. One can easily enter a Black Hole but there are no possible chances of coming out of it. The gravitational forces can easily rip apart the objects that enter a black hole in such a way that there will be no physical evidences of the existence of the object. WHO DISCOVERED A BLACK HOLE? KARL SCHWARZSCHILD           The early works on a black hole was done in the 18th Century by John Michelle and Pierre Simon Laplac


Nanotechnology is a branch of science or technology which deals with structures at  nanoscale . The size of these structures variate from 1 nanometer to 100 nanometers. A nanometer is 1 billionth of a meter or  10 - 9  meters. It involves the study and application of fields of science such as physics, chemistry, biology, material science and also Engineering. It is the most advanced technology in the world today. Nanotechnology is used in almost every field in the world today. They are replacing bulk materials and chemicals in all forms. They can be produced by manipulating atoms to have the desired properties and hence are good in usage compared to bulk materials. HISTORY RICHARD FEYNMAN           The first concept of nanotechnology was given by a renowned physicist  Richard Feynman  in his talk "There's plenty of room at the bottom" in the year 1959 in which he described the possibility of manipulation of atoms as a more powerful form of synthetic chemistr